K&D Building Maintenance Ltd.

We aspire to become your partner in helping you maintain a high-profile, professional image for your clients and staff. Doing business is hard enough without having to worry about the cleanliness of your premises. At K&D we know a clean working environment enhances employee morale which, in turn, increases productivity. Consistency is the key and an effective cleaning team needs to be consistent.

Considering the janitorial industry has one of the highest turnover rates of any business, paying good cleaners adequately is essential to keeping them on board and making good use of the experience and training they accumulate. Our team members have been with us for many years,  are knowledgeable and take pride in their work; however even the most consistent cleaners are still human. Anyone can have an off-day and today’s stresses can take a toll on the best of us. That’s where our regular supervision comes in, which is essential in maintaining consistency: our supervisors visit most of our service locations once per week.

Achieving full client satisfaction can be summed up in six words: Follow up, follow up, follow up. No one can set up expectations better than you. And what better way to ensure you are receiving the service you expect, than for us to routinely ask? If you have a concern, we would like to know about it as soon as possible.

Why not give us a chance to show you what we can do? Aside from our follow up, you’ll forget we’re even there. We promise!



K&D Building Maintenance has been serving the needs of various-sized businesses in the Greater Vancouver  area for over 30 years! We are servicing commercial and residential properties: offices, retail stores, hi- & low-rise buildings, community centers, churches & temples, medical offices, movie theaters, etc. This extensive experience enables us to provide custom-tailored solutions to your cleaning requirements. While we are based in the city of Vancouver, our services extend to cover a large part of the Greater Vancouver Area. Our pool of maintenance professionals around the city will consistently meet your expectations and our supervisors ensure our high standards of quality are followed. Their primary task is to nit-pick so you don’t have to. Our goal is to maintain your premises in a high level of cleanliness in order to keep employee morale up while projecting a high-profile image to your clients & visitors.

Promoting a safer and healthier work environment
Going Green is a trend that any self-respecting cleaning contractor should adhere to. For us it means to follow what industry offers and try to incorporate new products into everyday use in our locations. This imperative must also come to terms with your business imperatives: keeping costs as low as possible in order to be competitive and continue to thrive. K & D strives to use the greenest and most effective products while keeping an alert eye on costs. We will inform you about the products we currently use for each and every task. If you expresses a wish for more (or less) environmentally friendly product , we will include it in our array of products and explain the differences, so you can make the decision best suited for your business.


google logoK&D Building Maintenance Ltd. (1983)K&D Building Maintenance Ltd. (1983)
5.0 Stars - Based on 14 User Reviews


We aspire to become your partner in helping you maintain a high-profile, professional image to your clients and staff. Doing business is hard enough without having to worry about the cleanliness of your premises. At K&D we know a clean working environment enhances employee morale which, in turn, increases productivity. Consistency is the key and an effective cleaning team needs to be consistent.

Considering the janitorial industry has one of the highest turnover rates of any business, paying good cleaners adequately is essential to keeping them on board and making good use of the experience and training they accumulate. At K&D we have team members with us for many years, they are very knowledgeable and take pride in their work; however even the most consistent cleaners are still human. Let’s face it, everyone has off-days and today’s stresses can take a toll on the best of us. That’s where our regular supervision comes in, which is absolutely essential in maintaining consistency: our supervisors visit most of our service locations once per week. Achieving full client satisfaction can be summed up in six words: Follow up, follow up, follow up.

No one can set up expectations better than you. And what better way to ensure you are receiving the service you expect, than for us to routinely ask? If you have a concern, we would like to know about it as soon as possible. Why not give us a chance to show you what we can do? Aside from our follow up, you’ll forget we’re even there. We promise!


Your feedback is valuable to us.
Give us a call, send us a letter, or use our email below.
Whichever you choose, we’ll respond promptly.

K&D Building Maintenance (1983) Ltd.
3122 East Georgia Street, Vancouver BC

Office Phone: 604 434-2627
Email: info @ kdbuildingmaintenance.com